
"Have To" or "Want To" Conviction

Read the story of the rich young ruler who runs to Jesus with a question: “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17-22).

The ruler lacked one thing. It was a sacrifice he was not willing to make. It is evident he did not “want to” because he went away sorrowful. This man illustrates well that what the Lord expects of us is not for His good, but for our good. It is for our ultimate good that we accomplish it. If you do not want to do it, you lose God and your soul.

Christianity is a totally voluntary effort. It has no financial guarantees, promises of popularity, or assurances of friends. This may be why so few “want” what Christianity “has” to give. Too many people tie their efforts in life to money, friendship, and status. That explains why some who become Christians easily pass out.

If you read about the coming judgment (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Romans 2:8), there is an element of necessity in religion. If we are looking for a life with peace, hope, and joy, should we not “want to” do what God asks without question, excuse, or conditions? How about it? Let’s do better. Want to do it.