
More About Jesus (34)

Can you imagine being a lowly slave today? With the conveniences and wealth we have, it is hard to see ourselves doing menial acts of servitude, but there are times the elderly have special needs, infants cannot do things for themselves, and the disabled need a hand, a push, a ride, to be washed, or to be fed.

Jesus “MADE HIMSELF of no reputation” (Philippians 2:7) and chose to put aside His own rights and privileges to become a man. He did not become just any man, but a lowly servant man. Jesus gave Himself to the world for the world to be made in His image (Romans 8:29-30). He became a servant to the selfish motives of man and was murdered as a criminal on a Roman execution rack. How high He was lifted above earth, because of how low He came.

Because of what He did, every knee will bow to that name of Jesus Christ. The once lowly now reigns supreme and will triumph above all (vv. 11-12). 

A card someone wrote had on it an assorted list of kings and dictators who have appeared throughout history: Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Henry, etc. The caption of the front read, “History is crowded with men who would be gods.” The on the inside were the words, “But only one God who would be man.”

We still read and sing about the God who became a servant. The songs of men who wanted to be god have either never been written or have been soon forgotten. Jesus’ example inspires us to follow His steps, die to self, and serve the needs of others. Let us remember how Christ in deity was humbled so we might be exalted.