
Tidbits On Dating


There is a story a father told in a book entitled “Moments Together” of his interview with one of his daughter’s dates. His oldest daughter was sixteen at the time. This father made it clear that whoever asked her out, he wanted to speak to them first. It sounds like it would be a very embarrassing moment for this young girl who had just begun her dating years. Read what happens next.

The father said, “I remember that first interview. Kevin showed up at my office riding his motorcycle. I bought him a soft drink to keep things as informal as possible, and then after several minutes of small talk, I looked him in the eye.

“I expect you to treat my daughter just like God would have you treat His finest creation - with all respect and dignity. Whether you go out with her one time or 10 times, I want to be able to look you in the eyes and ask you if you are treating my daughter with respect and dignity - especially in the physical area. God may want her to be your wife or another man’s wife. You better be careful to keep this relationship pure.

“I shared at dinner what I had told Kevin. My daughter was appreciative, but it was my 14-year-old son who erased any doubts what I said was not too intrusive. He said, ‘You know, Dad. I hope that the father of the girl I ask out wants to meet with me. I’ll know I’m at the right house if that happens!”

What will you do to protect your child’s innocence?