
What Is Your Attitude Toward The Bible?


Relevancy is an issue many people have with the Bible. They may ask, “How does a book written hundreds of years ago have any relevance to today’s society? We have problems with filth on TV, drugs, delinquent husbands, hate crimes, and pornography. The Bible does not address those topics.” Who has addressed the subjects above and dealt with them successfully? Has the local government, schools, or national policy? Who has authored the best book on the subject of relationships, health, desires, and values? No one else but God…

The relevancy of the Bible to today’s societal changes and dilemmas can be answered in Ephesians 5:17: “Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” That passage implies the longer you withdraw yourself from knowing and understanding the Bible, the more foolish your actions become. To say we cannot understand the scriptures means God is the author of mass religious confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), and there is no way any of us can find the way to heaven. Think about this. If you decide the Bible cannot be understood, that does not mean it is not understandable. Who else has “the words of eternal life” other than Jesus (John 6:68). 

Mark Twain once said, “It isn’t what I don’t understand that bothers me, but what I do.” He was stating the relevancy of the Bible. He, like you and I, can understand the Bible. The question is, do you want to understand it?