
Modernizing The Golden Rule


And as you would that men should do to you,
do ye also to them likewise.

Luke 6:31

There is no question that the Lord’s statement was not a new doctrine. God informed the people by the law and the prophets the principle behind dealing with mankind. These moral teachings have been with us since the beginning. It is even the rule by which our Savior lived His life. He shows us better than anyone how this teaching, if practiced, can change the way we treat our fellow man.

This ancient command has developed a new twist in our society. It has made its way into many homes and churches across the world. It no longer carries the meaning, respect, and honor the Lord intended.

The new form of this golden command is called, “That which pleases me should be pleasing to you.” As you could imagine, self is the focal point. Indulgence in whatever pleases one’s self will ultimately be tolerated by everyone else. This idea assumes too much and will meet opposition. Jesus never insisted people please Him. He pleased not Himself (Romans 15:1-3). He pleased God (John 8:29) and others, and that type of mind is needful for us (Philippians 2:5).

This twist to the golden text has been the lifeline to those who are involved in ungodly behavior. People lay claim to “our rights” as the “mission statement” of such conduct. What is claimed as “our rights” is often not right at all. Homosexuals, adulterers, and those who support contemporary movements in religion hope the church of our Lord will adhere to such a twist in the golden rule.

Look again at the passage. It is the law of Christ. Our lives will turn toward what is right and pleasing to Him when we are united with Him by the teachings of His word and not to our own selfish and perverted use of a sacred passage.