
The God Of Revelation


It is great to know we can look out our bedroom window and know God created the day for us. Knowing God by His creation is only part of what leads us to a right relationship with Him. Can we determine what to do to be saved from the glorious beauty of the things that are made? Does marriage become an established, long-lasting commitment just from watching the sunset? Will the church know her pattern for work and worship through the birth of a robin in a nest? We know more about God’s purpose for us and relationship with Him by His revealed Word. Why we exist is understood more when we study the pages of the holy writ.

THe Bible was not designed primarily to reveal scientific information or used as a historical reference book. Though that information is useful, God wanted man to know KNOW HIS WILL. He loves man. He knows man needs guidance in his relationships. He realizes there are things man must avoid which prove harmful to him. By the revelation of God’s mind through the prophets by visions, dreams, signs, etc. (Hebrews 1:1), the people who lived in the days of the Old Testament knew what God wanted them to do. Through Jesus Christ (John 14:6), we who live today receive information about God, salvation, and the way to eternal bliss. By His word, we know of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8), not by the observance of a blooming flower.

The God of Revelation provides man with a truthful, understandable, and complete guide to life (John 17:17; Ephesians 3:4; 2 Timothy 3:16,17). It paves the way to freedom from sin (John 8:32). It gives hope only to those who live faithful to its commands (Psalm 78:7). Obedience to God’s message takes humility and willingness to surrender our selfish wants and desires for what God deems best for our lives. One’s true perspective of who God really is, His plan and purpose, is not seen until we diligently study His ord. If ti was within the mind of man, then he would develop a fail-safe system of salvation and remedy for the social problems that exist in our society today. Man’s answer is not within the created but in the Creator.

The reason for problems that exist in homes, at work, among Christians, dress, language, marriage, etc. comes from a lack of faith in God’s revelation. God’s word is the weapon which destroys Satan, defeats ungodliness, overcomes ignorance, and refutes religious error. We need to know the author of the book who has the answers to difficulties we face today. You cannot find the answer in the stars though bright they be, nor in the vastness of the ocean. “But he that looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and so continueth...this man shall be blessed in his doings” (James 1:25).