
Jealous Parents

“I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy;
for I betrothed you to one husband,
that I might present you as a virgin in Christ.”

2 Corinthians 11.2

Would it be out of place if a dad “interviewed” the boy who asked his daughter out on a date? It might be a bit embarrassing for his daughter. One time a dad made this statement to a boy who was about to take his daughter to the movies: “I expect you to treat my daughter just like God would have you treat his finest creation - with respect and dignity. Whether you go out with her one time or a hundred times, I want to be able to look you in the eyes and ask you if you are treating my daughter with respect and decency. You better be careful to keep this relationship pure no matter how long it lasts.”

Is that dad bold? Is he being presumptuous? Is he truly giving testimony to a “godly jealousy” that all parents should have in raising their children?

I am convinced that when my children were born, God entrusted them in my keeping and training. He is expecting me to protect my children’s innocence. That involves not only who my children date, but who their friends are, what they watch on TV, how they dress, and where they worship God. Our God wants us to diligently protect our children from evil. That will be accomplished with a godly jealousy.

When you read about parents like Eunice, Moses’ mother, Joshua, and Hannah, you are witnessing godly jealousy. Those children learned righteousness and holy living because their parents believed in “protecting the innocent” from evil. How are we as parents doing? Are the feelings we have when it comes to raising children more like fear, guilt, frustration, discouragement, and self-doubt rather than confidence that with Lord’s word and his promises we can raise children to live holy and righteously in this present world (Titus 2.12)?

Our sons or daughters might not like the “questions” or “interrogations” we administer to those with whom they associate, but you want to set the standard high so your child will set his or her standard high. If not, your child may just pierce your heart with many sorrows (Proverbs 10.2; 22.6). Be jealous with your children, but be godly about it.