I Believe - What Do I Believe?
“I believe” sets the stage and is the crucible for every attitude and behavior. “I believe” is definitive. “I believe” is motivational. “I believe” is without apology or embarrassment. “I believe” is not hesitant. “I believe” is forward movement. “I believe” is foundational and propositional.
“I believe” is not confusing to the one stating their beliefs. “I believe” should be turning to scripture, the Bible. The word of God is the origin of belief (Romans 10.17). I may say, “I believe it, because my parents (or my friend or my teacher) told me.” A person’s belief has to come from somewhere for him or her to express to you what he or she now believes. The Bible can be - must be - the ONLY sufficient, perfect, reliable, and errorless rule of faith.
Our reflex to turn to the Bible as the guide, source, and foundation of all we do is a great reflex. It should be our first reflex, not a reaction. Unless we have a working knowledge of the Bible, it may be “your guess is as good as mine.” However, knowing and understanding that the Bible has everything in it “pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1.4) causes me to search that book first, rather than Google. A person can search Google for many things, or search YouTube for a visual display of what Google can only describe in words. But neither one has the simultaneous content “pertaining to life and godliness.”
“I believe comes from scripture which is without error. It is totally trustworthy and true. Many have discarded it, or attempted to add to it, but it is the verbally inspired Word of God. Once God gave the Bible to man, nothing could be added to it or taken from it.
With statistics showing fewer and fewer believers in the Bible, God, and Christ, “I believe” is one of the great, authentic wonders of our present day. In spite of the statistics, “I believe” has been true for centuries and will remain true in spite of those who disbelieve or are ignorant of the truth leading to belief. What makes what “I believe” so authentic is “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Several “belief systems” exist due to man’s lust to be his own guid (Proverbs 14.12), but none of them produce the belief which leads to the saving of the soul.
I should believe, help my unbelief. May God help me see what He inspired prophets and apostles to say and write. “I believe” is what opens the doors to heaven and gives hope to everlasting life. “I believe” is what prepares a person for death.
One positive note is this: Those wanting to help provide faith for the next generation will not go wrong in speaking and showing what “I believe” in this generation in this present world.