
Gaining Access to the Father

Jesus said unto him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”
John 14.6

When Jesus said, “I am the door” (John 10.9), He was helping His hearers understand what He previously said in verses 1-6. Jesus was not trying to hide something from the people, but His intent was to expose the “blindness” of the Pharisees and the blindness within their own hearts by teaching in parables. He makes a very clear point: If one comes to the Father, he must believe that through Jesus, the door, he might gain access to God (Ephesians 2.18). Without Jesus, there is no access to salvation and eternal life (John 10.10; Acts 4.12). He is the only passage through which man can enjoy the greatest blessings provided by God. These blessings are not found in humanism, mysticism, denominationalism, or new age philosophies. Only Jesus “for your sakes...became poor, that ye through His poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8.9).


Although Jesus’ death and resurrection did for us what we could not do ourselves, the benefits of that death are not without conditions. Salvation from sin and access to God may be free (Romans 6.23), but not cheap. Jesus mentions a price that must be paid in Matthew 16.24: “IF any man would come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” A change in direction of life will be necessary “IF” you enter the door. Are you willing to sacrifice and put aside what you want for what God requires of you? You must enter the door.

“By Me if any man enter in...”

There are two blessings provided upon entrance into the door - Jesus:

SAFETY. When the temptations and trials of life surround you, where do you turn? There is no security outside of Christ. Many have decided what Jesus offers does not meet their “needs.” What has entertainment in worship and socialization of a congregation done for the spiritual maturity of a soul? Nothing. They become easy prey for whatever device Satan may wave in front of them. If we are truly listening to the Chief Shepherd, He will provide a way of escape from temptation “that ye may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10.13). Jesus affirms this promise of safety by saying, “They shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand” (John 10.29).

FREEDOM. John 8.31-32 speaks of freedom from sin as being obtained through knowledge and obedience of truth. This freedom gives you opportunity to do the “Father’s business” without regret or shame. Honorable actions and behavior preserve the righteousness this world needs. It shows the world what is good (Micah 6.8). What you do within your freedom in Christ can encourage others to enter the same door - Jesus. What a beautiful thing that would be!