
Is Your Marriage Intentional?

  1. If there is no purpose, the future of your marriage is in jeopardy (Proverbs 29.18).
  2. No marriage runs on autopilot, thinking it will last forever.
  3. Unless we become intentional in marriage, we will borrow time from our spouse and put it toward hobbies, work, children, civic clubs, sports, etc. Intentional marriages reduce distractions.
  4. Both husband and wife need to think about their relationship and have practical, simple ways to keep in touch with each other daily.
  5. Intend for your marriage to reflect the image of God (Genesis 2.22-25; Ephesians 5.1-2). Let it be a picture of Christ’s commitment and love for the church (Ephesians 5.22-31). 
  6. Have rituals in your marriage. Certain things need to be repeated on “special days” with “special gifts” for that “special someone.”
  7. Open and honest conversation which will confront differences, pray, confess, adjust, and forgive will control the emotions of anger, resentment, and bitterness.
  8. Develop a commitment covenant for your marriage. Write down what your marriage needs to make it last a lifetime. Have both spouses sign the covenant.
  9. Discuss together the scripture(s) that outline your strategy for an enduring marriage. Print them out and keep them with you always.
  10. Write a love letter to each other once every two or three years stating why you married your spouse.
  11. Start and continue showing respectful public expressions of affection.
  12. Pray EVERY day together. It reminds you of who really is the source and strength of an intentional marriage.