
Keeping Your Faith Alive (36)

And God created man in His own image,
in the image of God created He him;
male and female created He them.

Genesis 1:27

With so many people attempting to understand their purposes and existences, look at the passage above. We are created in “the image of God.” God did not make you like anyone else on the entire planet. Even though you might be an identical twin, you are not truly identical. God made each person unique and by special design. The design is in “HIS image,” not in our image.

Being created in “the image of God,” you cannot put yourself down. You are not given the right to abuse, mutilate, scar, or take the life from what God created. Each person is created to see how specially designed he or she is by God for God. Understand in creating you, God has put specific and creative forethought into your creation. Does that make you special? YES! Is this creation of you designed to give you pride and special permission to boast of your uniqueness? NO! The special design of you by God is to cause you to see God’s assignment for you as that specially made person.

Faith sees what God’s design is for your talents, abilities, future, life, and goals. Look carefully at yourself through God’s eyes. Learn what He has in mind for you with the abilities He has given you. Whether you like to eat fish and do not like to eat turnip greens or like red and not green, God has a way of taking all of you and molding all of you into someone who is righteous and wholly devoted to truth (Ephesians 4:24).

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) to take all God has given you to possess to be what He designed for you to be. Your individuality does not give you freedom to express yourself in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Being individually made by God is one way to help you see responsibility and accountability. What you choose to do needs to be the choice of the designer, not the one designed (Romans 9:20,21). When you believe God’s plan for you, you will submit to His plan, and rejoice in the outcome. Remember this: You will answer to the Creator for what you have done with what He created - YOU (Romans 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:10).