
Thank You

Thank you!! People appreciate those words. We obtain joy and give respect with great admiration toward the one who utters those words. We appreciate those who think to say those words and show their interest in what has been done for them.

The absence of gratitude makes us lose honor for people, and it almost causes us to have a sense of contempt toward those who are thankless. Our hearts wonder why they refuse to recognize what was done for them by someone else. Why did they not pause for a moment and consider they did not deserve what they received, but obtained it anyway? Were they so distracted by their own accomplishments or busyness that what others did for them escaped their notice? Where is appreciation these days?How about a little thanks please!

Herein may lie the problem. The character of gratitude comes from a heart of love. Anything we receive is undeserved. I mean anything. One’s existence can be eliminated by God quickly and without hesitation. Possessions were never a creation of our own. Nature shrouds us with its beauty and grandeur, and we never moved a finger to make it appear. If I love what I see, hold, taste, and smell, I should appreciate it. If it is a shot to keep me from having the flu or shingles, I should be thankful for it. If I am a diabetic, every insulin shot is a blessing. Having an allergic reaction to certain foods might be a disappointment, but I am thankful man does not live by bread alone. Love should be the character of every “thank you.”

Herein is another problem. It is rooted in comparisons. If you suffer and another suffers, we may compare who is suffering more, rather than appreciating where we are and what we have. Instead of being appreciative and working for the Lord, we make comparisons and say, “At least I’m not as bad off as some people,” or “I’m thankful I am not having the troubles they are having.” Gratitude does not lie in comparisons. We are not comparing our scars with others. Gratitude comes from a heart of love without regard to what pain and suffering we have. Instead of being so entangled by our own hurt and pain and failure to say “Thank you,” look out in view of what you undeservingly have that you can give to those who do hurt. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). You receive mercy. Just show your thanks by serving others.

Gratitude is an attitude which comes from a heart that sees and understands what has been and is being done for us. “Thank you” is an expression to God and others of how we have benefitted by their grace, kindness, support, and benevolence. Perhaps all of us could be more thankful, even for the little things. Next time you hear those two golden words again, to you the command is given: “Go and do thou likewise” (Luke 10:37; 17:11-19; 1 Corinthians 4:7: Colossians 3:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:18).