
Failing To Do Right

To him who knows to do good and does not do it,
to him it is sin.

James 4:17

If there were a scandal you knew about but were not involved and failed to report it, are you going to be in trouble for not letting someone know about it? You might be considered as one who “withheld evidence” for not doing something to stop the crime.

Take notice of two situations. The first one involves your knowledge of a wrong which exists between you and another person. Do you let it go? Will it harm your future relationship with this person or people? Do you murmur about it to others? Do you believe it will happen again? Will others be hurt if this conduct continues? Will the reputation of the person be harmed? Can you be trusted because you gave occasion for more harm to occur? What did you do?

If the knowledge of the wrong continues, and it affects your heart, the problem needs to be addressed. Relationships have never improved for not properly responding to a matter which has divided people. Do not add to the frustration by allowing this matter to “simmer.” Simmering pots build up pressure and explode. Your relationship with God can be weakened due to a problem in the relationship you have with others.

Think about this: If you have the knowledge of what is wrong and fail to do right, will you lose your soul? James 4:17 Says, “To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” What does continuing in sin do for you? It will probably give you more opportunities to justify why you are doing it. The sin still exists and oftentimes increases. Bargaining with yourself to say others have a deeper problem with sin does not eliminate your sin.

There is no reason to keep doing the wrong thing no matter how many do it or how “harmless” it may be. When faced with the choice between doing good and failing to do anything at all, we must always choose to do what’s right. In a world filled with evil and darkness, you can be a follower of Christ and shine your light. What is the point in doing nothing? Resist that urge and work. Let God help you remove the evil. “Do not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).