
The Value Of Godliness

For the mind of the flesh is death;
but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:6

Several discussions, hearings, and cabinet meetings are held to decide how much money will be spent to overcome the problems of poverty, homelessness, suicide, delinquency, abuse, addiction, promiscuity, laziness, abandonment, and crime. Consider for a moment all the programs that have been created, the years they have been in existence, and the millions of dollars appropriated for such endeavors. You would think by now the problems would be solved or at such a minimum there would be a decrease in money allocated to these “needy” programs. Dream on.

There needs to be a focus on God, because the troubles which programs are supposed to “fix,” only God can cure.

Statistics show there is a higher rate of mental problems and marriage problems among those who either do not attend worship services or attend sporadically. Divorce rates, high blood pressure, and heart-related problems are lower among people who are committed to their faith. So, religion is good for you.

Some conservative politicians in the past believed religion served this country well and should receive financial assistance to secure the well-being of the citizens of our land. They often proposed Washington distribute grants to religious organizations, as they have with secular organizations, to help people get off of drugs or out of poverty.

For some churches and other non-profit religious organizations (i.e., Christian homes, religious outreach programs, etc.), this would be a welcomed effort. They have already become political social clubs anyway. They are already government lookalikes with the programs they now operate.

These efforts indicate the view many have of the church. It is a welfare-support-recovery-intervention-counsel-development institution. This is a far cry from what God wanted the church to be. He designed and desired a body without spot, wrinkle, or blemish (Ephesians 5:27). Its mission would be the same as its head, Jesus, to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10; Romans 1:16). The church was not and should never be promoted as having any political connection (John 18:36). It is sufficient to care for its own needy (Acts 2:44,45). Its responsibility to the world is to teach a quality of life that is godly, sober, and righteous (Titus 2:11,12). Such a life means denying the ungodliness and lusts which contribute to abuse, addiction, poverty, and crime. This is the function of the church in the world. This church does not need government money to cure social ills. The church, which teaches the unsearchable riches of Christ, can convert the hearts of Americans to God and turn the world upside down (Acts 17:6).