
The World Is Broken


That which is crooked cannot be made straight;
and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.

Ecclesiastes 1:15

Our hearts will never be satisfied with what it finds in the world. People have been hurt and disappointed when they have tried to deeply partake of whatever the world has offered them. God saw this when His Son Jesus came into the world (John 1:14). Jesus was hurt by death and man’s perversion of His Father’s creation.

We would be foolish to underestimate the crookedness of the world. What can be made straight from that which is always crooked? Try that with politicians to illegal drugs. Try to straighten out man’s abuse of tax laws and of his family. Everywhere the wise man turns, he sees the wretched condition of the world. And the more you know about the world, the greater the sorrow becomes (Ecclesiastes 1:18). 

Our deepest needs cannot and will not be fully met in this life. Do not deny it. Face the world’s twisted ways with the reality of God. See His mercy as our salvation and His promise as our joy. Fix your hope on His perfection in His Son. Jesus did not die to make us healthier, wealthier, and happier here, but to fix us so we will be ready to travel the straight and narrow way into heaven (Matthew 7:13,14).