
What Do You Have The Right To Do (1)


John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name.” Being a “child of God” is a “right” or appropriately translated, “power” few have chosen to implement. I have yet to see people raise their hands or carry signs in protest because more people are not “exercising” the power (“right”) God gave them to be a child of God. Why people are not exercising their “right” or “power” to be a Christian could be either because they do not know they can or they know and prefer not to be one. People are more concerned about their “consumer rights,” “civil rights,” and “human rights” than they are about having the greatest power they will ever have - be a Christian (Phil. 2:12).

The word “Christian” is mentioned three times in the Bible. In Acts 11:26, it describes one who learns or is taught. In Acts 26:28, “Christian” is something a person is persuaded to be as Paul persuaded King Agrippa. In 1 Pet. 4:16, there is a profound description of a Christian as one who is not ashamed. The name “Christian” is worn by those who have received Jesus through belief and obedience. “Christian” describes why you are what you are. This name represents a person who has given up his rights to defend the cause of righteousness, holiness, and truth. 

God has given everyone the power to believe and obey what is right. The true measure of a person is not how many “rights” he has in the world, but whether he takes advantage of the “right” (Power) God gave him to be a child of God. That is why the most important effort you and I need to teach and defend is being a Christian. WHY? God is not going to ask you in the judgment what “constitutional rights” you supported and defended. He will want to know if you exercised the power He gave you to be a child of God. It is time you stood for what is right.