
Preachers & Hearers: Are We Giving Our Best?


The preaching of the gospel is a practice ordained by God. God wants preachers to preach so that others will have opportunity to hear (“...And how shall they hear without a preacher?” - Romans 10:14). Since preaching is ordered by God, the very best effort the preacher has to offer is demanded. Sometimes our best may not be very good, but it must be our best. Little or no preparation, staying up late on Saturday night so as not to be rested and “off-the-cuff” preaching are inexcusable. Such irresponsibility dishonors God and is a source of frustration to the truly devoted hearers of the truth.

The hearing of the gospel is a practice ordained by God. God wants people to hear so that they will have the opportunity to believe and to be instructed in the ways of the Lord (“And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?” - Romans 10:14). Since hearing is ordered by God, the very best effort the hearer has to offer is demanded. Sometimes our best may not be very good (young mothers with fussy babies, etc.), but it must be our best. Little or no preparation, making a habit of staying up too late on Saturday night, constantly (and without guilt) allowing our minds to wander, making unnecessary trips to the restroom or water fountain, and texting or posting messages on Facebook during the sermon are inexcusable. Such irresponsibility dishonors God and is a source of frustration to conscientious preachers.

Utilizing our time together in a manner that honors God demands cooperation. As the preacher here at Southside for this week, you should hold me to a high standard. You shouldn’t mind if I hold you to an equally high standard.

Today, are we prepared to give our very best to the Lord?