
Is The Fear Of God Before YOUR Eyes?


Thou shalt fear Jehovah thy God; him shalt thou serve;
and to him shalt thou cleave, and
by his name shalt thou swear.
He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee
these great and terrible things,
which thine eyes have seen.
Deuteronomy 10:20,21

One of the saddest commentaries made regarding Christianity is how some people prefer not to do business with a Christian. One such story involves a religious man who, through unethical dealings, stole a deal worth $75,000 from his business partner. When confronted about the incident, the man had no regret for his actions and did not feel his conduct was unethical.

Another story involves a nonbeliever who quit his job and moved out of town because he could no longer work for an employer whose business transactions were questionable. The man commented - “And this guy says he’s a born-again Christian!”

Why such blatant hypocrisy? Why would some Christians slander the name of Christ by virtue of their dishonest behavior? Do they feel they are above the law? Is it because they have no fear of God before their eyes?

It has been truthfully said that God has all seeing eyes. His power is such that nothing “gets past Him”. He is aware of our downsitting and “uprising” (Psalm 139:2). None of our thoughts escape His grasp. Jeremiah described well our God saying, “There is none like unto thee...who should not fear thee, O King of the nations…” (Jeremiah 10:6,7).

The fear of God is reverence and respect for Jehovah. Our service is motivated by a heartfelt conviction that God is not only loving and merciful, but holy and just, and will not permit the evildoer to go unpunished. Somewhere along the way, our sin will find us out (Numbers 32:23). If man does not discover it, God will expose it on Judgment Day.

Proverbs 14:27 says, “The fear of Jehovah is a fountain of life, that one may depart from the snares of death.” Do we fear the promise of divine punishment and wrath? When you look at the news headlines, you can only lament as our nation has lost its fear of God. Do not turn back on God! Consider how important it is to honor the name of Christ by the way you deal with people in business, church, or home. Pray God will give you and keep before your eyes a reverent spirit of fear of the Almighty.