
Your Bible - Your Cell Phone


What would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?


  1. Would we leave it at the church building?
  2. Would we carry it around in our pockets or purses?
  3. Would we flip through it several times a day?
  4. Would we turn back to get it if we forgot it?
  5. Would we use it to receive messages from the text?
  6. Would we treat it as if we could not live without it?
  7. Would we give it to our children as a gift?
  8. Would we use it when traveling?
  9. Would we use it only in a case of emergency?
  10. Would we use up all our minutes?
  11. Would we answer the call knowing God was trying to get in touch with us?
  12. Would we upgrade it to the latest version?


This is something to make you go, “Hmmmm. Where is my Bible?” Oh, and one more thing: Unlike our cell phones, we do not ever have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill!


-Author Unknown