
Taking Time To Be With God


Daniel prayed three times daily (Daniel 6:10). Abraham got up “early in the morning...where he stood before Jehovah” (Genesis 19:27). The man in Psalm 1 meditated on the law day and night. Jesus went to the mountain to pray all night unto God (Luke 6:12).

All of the above illustrate taking time to be with God. These people were engaged in private reverence. They show the importance of holding God in the highest esteem. The reason is simple. They wanted to respond to God that day and not to the world. They respected God and honored Him. They wanted their relationship with God to be better, because it is the very thing all of us are called to do (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

The value of private reverence is: (1) “Happy is the man who is always reverent, but he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity” (Proverbs 28:14, NKJV); (2) It leads to greater reverence in public worship; (3) It brings greater respect to our thoughts, words, and deeds; (4) It provides self-examination through humility (2 Corinthians 13:5). You look at what you are doing and see things as God sees them and make corrections where necessary; (5) Your thoughts become focused on things that are pure, just, noble, lovely, true, and honorable (Philippians 4:8).

The only thing keeping you from spending time with God is time. You are probably thinking, “If I only had the time to do it.” In a society of “multitaskers”, we should be able to have some time to be with God. One thing is for sure: We take the time to do the things we want to do!!