
The Family Reformation Period


..the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire...when I heard these words,
I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days;
and I fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.
Nehemiah 1:3,4

At least once a week, you can pick up a newspaper or watch a TV show focusing on the distressing social problems we face in America. Of those reports, how many have offered spiritual and godly principles as a solution to those problems? Those who are in marriages and families often sit and weep at the ruin of their own homes.

Paul probably addresses a fundamental solution in Romans 12:1. How many members of your family have a spirit of sacrifice? Is there enough conviction in the heart of everyone in your family to hold it together? Will you choose what is acceptable to God or what is acceptable to the world? What would those people in your family give to make your home stronger, loving, and peaceful?

Large social problems will end when they are solved in the hall of our house rather than in the halls of the U.S. Capital. Change will occur when Christians are seriously dedicated to their relationship with God and live out their values and priorities in the family. 

Change in the face of America’s morality will come when men get down on their knees and ask their wives and children to forgive them when they fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The time is now for men to take responsibility for their families and not expect the government or the church to do it for them. Men need to pray for the qualities a leader needs and use those traits in their homes.

Change in the face of America’s values will come when more women decide to make being a wife and motherhood a greater priority than career. When mothers see their homes as an impact on the church, society, workplace, and communities of America, they will become more involved with their husbands’ and their children’s lives.

We have been called to proclaim Christ, to obey Him as we make an imprint on our society. To give ourselves as a living and holy sacrifice to God means we will allow nothing to come between us and Him. We will live in obedience to His will no matter what the cost.

If enough families begin living holy lives, make right choices, and love and respect one another, America will see a family restoration movement. How would it affect your family if you began to get serious about living for Christ? Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it (Psalm 127:1).