
Make The Pain Go Away (1)


For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”

Romans 8:22


There are people in this world who suffer from Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy (HSN). It is a disease which causes the sufferer to los all sensation of pain. It may not sound like a bad thing. It can actually be quite serious. HSN causes a lack of sensation which means injuries can go unnoticed. This puts sufferers at risk of infections, possibly even amputations.

The ability to feel pain is a good thing for which we can thank God. Without it we would not know how bad sin hurts. We would not understand what losing something means. Losing something you never had can be as painful as trying to regain something lost. Pain in your heart can hurt as much as pain from a broken arm or leg.

Satan has a way of using pain against us as he did against Job. Satan struck everything Job possessed from his family to his livestock to his health. He believed doing so would cause Job to curse God to his face (Job 1:11). I must stay, for some today, they have cursed God because of their pain. What a subtle trick to cause us pain, so we will be angry with God. If Satan can get you to be angry with God, you may not follow him, but at least you will not follow God. Satan uses pain to weaken your faith and lose hope. Satan brings pain to remove you from fighting and start believing the good you do does not matter, because the bad always wins. He tried to use the same tactic on Jesus Christ, but he failed. If it were not for Jesus’ conquer of sin and death, the pain of sin would never go away (John 11:24,25; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58).