
What Do You Expect From Prayer?


1. You cannot expect much if you refuse to ask (Matt 7:7,8)

2. You cannot expect much if you ask with selfish motives (Jas 4:3)

3. You cannot expect much if you hold on to something you need to let God handle  (1 Pet 5:7).

4. You cannot expect much if you do not trust the One to whom you address your prayer (Jas 1:5,6)

5. You cannot expect much if you give up praying (Luke 18:1-18)

6. You cannot expect much if you are unwilling to have God’s will done instead of yours (Luke 22:42)

7. You cannot expect much if your prayer is burdened with pride rather than humility  (Luke 18:9-14).

8. You cannot expect much if your prayer is more an effort to change God than it is to change you (Psalms 51:1-17)